Disruptive Events Minor Program 2022-2023

You can now apply for the international Minor Program in DISRUPTIVE EVENTS. This innovative transdisciplinary program provides you with a comprehensive, integrated perspective on #Resilience of societies.

The program is hosted by different academies from Avans University of Applied Sciences. These are linked to Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy & Technology, Security Studies, Public Administration, Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Social Work.

We get support from great international and national partners working globally in #DisasterRiskReduction, #Migration, #ClimateChangeAdaptation.




Track (inter)national disaster resilience and climate change

Check out our video describing our track (inter)national disaster Resilience and Climate Change! We are very proud of the enthusiastic lecturers on our team from the Avans University of Applied Sciences.

Lecturer Sandra Keetels-Snel introduces you to environmental disasters that she discusses in her project in the minor Disruptive Events. Student Stijn Kromwijk presents his project related to the nitrogen deposition in the Loonse en Drunese Duinen. Maurits Dorlandt explains the content of the course on crisis management. Mart Verwijmeren can't wait to start working with you on climate change impact.

#pandemicresponse #disasters #climatechange #climatecrisis #sustainability #climate #technology #DRR #environmental

For more information and subscription check:

Kies op maat - Disruptive Events: (Inter)national Disaster, resilience and Climate change


Our climate is rapidly changing! How can we predict, prevent and respond to natural hazards and slow-onset climate-related disasters? In our multidisciplinary study program, you learn what it takes! Discover first-hand more details about our program (Inter)national Disaster, Resilience and Climate Change Avans University of Applied Sciences!

Our students Anna Boschker, Joran de Lange and Lara Corbeau explain in a short video the content of the program and how they experienced their minor.

#climatechange #disasterriskreduction #studyineurope #minor

Track (inter)national Disaster Resilience and Migration

Curious about the content of our track (Inter)national Disaster
Resilience and Migration? Check out this video where some of our dedicated tutors tell you about their courses. Thank you Pé Lamerigts Joop de Zwart Floris Jan Donders Eefje Hendriks!

#disasterriskreduction #disaster #systemthinking #crisismanagement #migration #governance #policy #extremism #ethics #studyineurope

For more information and subscription check:

Kies op maat - Disruptive Events: (Inter)national Disaster, Resilience and Migration


Events disrupt our society every day! How can you respond to disasters and migration? We offer the perfect study program for you to become an expert. Discover first-hand more details about our program (Inter)national Disaster, Resilience and Migration at Avans University of Applied Sciences!

Our students Joshua and Renate de Horde explain in a short video the content of the program and how they experienced their minor. Many thanks to our international students Laura and Elena Corpas García for making this video!

#migration#disasterriskreduction #studyineurope #minor