Explore the beautiful valley of Khijiphalate

During our field research, we have traveled to some of the most beautiful places where you will not find any tourists. This year a new airport will open in Khijiphalate, and what better than to recommend you a nice hiking trail so that you can be one of the first to explore this area as a tourist! Go off the main tourist trails and explore Nepal yourself. We recommend you to visit Khijiphalate ward number 7 because of the beautiful scenery. During this short 4-hour hike you might think you are in a “Lord of the rings” or a “Disney” movie.


The hike starts from Khijiphalate in Okhaldhunga. Khijiphalate is definitely worth visiting because of its incredibly friendly people. I have stayed in Khijiphalate for almost a week. Most of the people understand English and are open to foreigners and would love to show you their place and have open conversations with you. Khijiphalate is one of the place where you will find excellent food. The dahl bath in Khijiphalate is the best one I have tasted in our two months of field research. On Wednesdays, everyone dresses up like if they are going to a party but they are actually just going to the weekly market. It is beautiful to see! The market has a regional function and people come from far to sell their products. On the market, you can buy many things and have good food. Apart from its people, Khijiphalate has amazing views over the valley. The clouds make the landscape look mysterious and will not disappoint you.

Alternative hikes

From Khijiphalate you can also walk to Khiji Demba, one of the highest and holiest mountains in the area. You can reach Khiji Demba via Chuplung Bhanjyang, a nice village with some shops and a beautiful temple. Khijiphalate has bus transport to Manthali and bolero transport to Japhre, Jantarkani and Okhaldhunga. The 8 hour hike to Japhre is beautiful too but very tough as the road goes up and down the mountains. Japhre has amazing views on Everest, some nice temples, decent hotels and is a starting point or trekkers.


  1. From the lively market of Khijphalate you walk up the mountain from the road behind the momo place. In half an hour, you reach a group of around 10 houses with Buddhist flags. There are two shops where you can buy a drink or some snacks.
  2. Just behind this group of houses there is a narrow trail that brings you down into the forest. This trail is also used by mules. If you are not sure you have found the trail, ask for “Khijiphalate ward number Saat” (Khijiphalate neighborhood number 7). People will be happy to show you the way.
  3. A rather steep trail brings you in about half an hour to an open place next to a small river with a small water mill. Have a break and enjoy the view.
  4. From there you just follow the river downstream for about one hour. This is an easy road and the reason why you are hiking here. It is absolutely beautiful. On your way you will cross a few bridges.

  1. After the last bridge you will start hiking slightly uphill for about 20 minutes, still roughly following the path of the river. At a certain point, you reach the houses of Khijiphalate ward number 7.

  2. This ward is very green and peaceful. There is no real restaurant. You can decide to bring some snacks. If you want warm food you can ask the guy living next to the ward leaders office to make you some food. He would be more than happy to make you something.

  3. In 1.5-2 hours you can hike back to the center of Khijiphalate. We hope you enjoy the hike as much as we did!