Graduation projects about reconstruction in Nepal and the Philippines

Some of the students that accompanied Eefje Hendriks in her research in Nepal and the Philippines will present their final bachelor thesis on the 30th of October in Den Bosch. It promises to be very interesting! Do you want to see what they have been doing? You are more than welcome to attend! The presentations will be in Dutch though!

Date: 30 oktober 2018
Location: Avans Hogeschool, Onderwijsboulevard
Room: OC314

10.00 - 11.00 Post-typhoon reconstruction in the Philippines
by Dennis van Nijnatten, Jason Ramos Silva
In collaboration with Avans, TU Eindhoven, Cordaid Philippines

13.00 - 14.30 Post-earthquake reconstruction in Nepal
by Gijs van Duren, Sandra van Ekeren, Jim de Kort
In collaboration with Avans, TU Eindhoven, CRS Nepal