
Media output

• Dutch Research Council (2022) Another 78 researchers receive NWO Veni grant https://www.nwo.nl/en/news/another-78-researchers-receive-nwo-veni-grant
• Avans Hogeschool (2022) Veni-beurs voor docent-onderzoeker Avans Hogeschool. https://www.avans.nl/over-avans/nieuws-en-pers/nieuwsberichten
• Eindhoven University of Technology (2022) Research talent to work on AI, photonics and energy with Veni grant https://www.tue.nl/en/news-and-events/news-overview/11-04-2022-research-talent-to-work-on-ai-photonics-and-energy-with-veni-grant/
• University Twente (2022)VENI grant for research on personalizing humanitarian aid https://www.utwente.nl/en/news/2022/4/541613/veni-grant-for-research-on-personalizing-humanitarian-aid
• University Twente (2022) 'Veni' grant for six young UT scientists https://www.utwente.nl/en/news/2022/4/542560/veni-grant-for-six-young-ut-scientists
• Chmutina, K., Von Mending, J., Hendriks, E., Kmoch, L, Mulder, F., Fuentealba, R. (2022) Disasters Deconstructed S6E1, Emerging voices. https://disastersdecon.podbean.com/e/s6e1-emerging-voices/
• Van Winkelen, V. Studenten werken met vluchtelingen in Athene: ‘Hier is geen toekomstperspectief’ . Punt magazine. https://punt.avans.nl/2021/12/studenten-werken-met-vluchtelingen-in-athene-hier-is-geen-toekomstperspectief/
• Knook, O. (2021) Avansstudenten werken aan eerste 3D-geprinte brug van plastic afval. Punt magazine. https://punt.avans.nl/2022/01/avansstudenten-werken-aan-eerste-3d-geprinte-brug-van-plastic-afval/
• Bijlo, E. Luyckx S.M. en Straver, F. (2020). Het lab en de wei in met duurzame docenten. ‘Je kunt het in alle lesstof betrekken, zelfs taal of rekenen’. Trouw
• Douwes, S. (2020). ‘Duurzaamste docent van 2020’ Eefje Hendriks neemt studenten mee naar vluchtelingenkampen. Punt magazine.
• Eikenaar, H. (2020). Prijs voor Tilburgse docent die studenten in vluchtelingenkampen bewustzijn bijbrengt. Published in Brabants Dagblad en BN de Stem en AD.
• Teunissen, E. (2020). Dit is de duurzaamste docent in het HBO. SDGs on stage.
• SME (2020). Hier zijn ze dan: dé Duurzame Docenten van 2020 die duurzaam onderwijsland onveilig maken.
• Leren voor morgen (2020). Dit zijn de Duurzame Docenten 2020!
• Verus (2020). Steeds meer ‘duurzame docenten’ in het onderwijs.
• Ton, Y. (2020). ‘In Nepal hebben ze niks aan een Ikea-manual of 3D’. Cobouw.
• Jeltes, T. (2020). Durven bouwen op lokale kennis. Cursor magazine.
• Hendriks, E., (2018). Wederopbouw na ramp moet effectiever. BN de Stem.
• Schalij, N., (2018). Ontwikkelingshulp sprong in het diepe? Cursor magazine.
• Letova, S., (2015). Avans docent bouwt noodhulptent in Sengal. Punt magazine.
• Eindhovens Dagblad. (2016). Onderzoekers ontwikkelen tent voor noodhulp situatie.

Event organisation

Conference Climate. Culture. Peace (2022), International workshop from temporary shelter to semi-permanent homes (2022), Study trip migrant assistance Athens (2021), Study trip migrant assistance Calais (2021, 2019, 2018, 2017), Conference Disrupting Resilience, Eindhoven (2020), Conference Disaster resilience in the Built Environment, Tilburg (2019), Conference Migation in Europe and East Asia, Palermo (2018), Study trip migrant assistance Palermo (2018), Practioners workshop, Assessing knowledge adoption, Kathmandu (2017), Study trip migration assitance Lesbos (2017), Conference Dutch for Global Development event, Eindhoven (2016), Exhibition DIY housing for new Dutchies (2016), Symposium Borderless engineering, Rotterdam (2016), Symposium Refugee crisis, Tilburg (2016), Achitecture competition, Project B in the name of CHEOPS, Eindhoven (2007-2009).


• Hendriks, E., (2020). Assessing knowledge adoption in post-disaster reconstruction.
• Pakhuis de Zwijger, (2020). EduCAUTION #16: Bekendmaking Duurzame Docent 2020.
• Students Avans, (2020). Presentations System thinking in disaster resilience and recovery.
• Hendriks, E., (2020). Graduation studio Borderless Engineering.
• Hendriks, E., (2020). Promotion video Disruptive Events Minor Programme.
• Hendriks, E., (2020). Teaser Disruptive Events Minor Programme.
• Hendriks, E., (2019). Preparing for field research.


• Hendriks, E. (2020) Guest speaker Duurzame Docent 2020, Pakhuis de Zwijger.
• Hendriks, E. (2020) attendance UK Shelter Forum.
• Hendriks, E. (2019) Host International conference Disaster resilience and Response in the built Environment, Lochal, Tilburg.
• Hendriks, E. (2019) Guest lectures Humanitarian engineering, University of Syndey.
• Hendriks, E., Opdyke, A.(2019). Paper presentation Housing construction knowledge adoption processes in self-recovery. IREC conference, California.
• Hendriks, E. (2019) attendance RDI conference, Melbourne.
• Hendriks, E. (2019) International University of Catalunya, organiser research seminar for master students.
• Hendriks, E. (2018) attendance Shelter meeting Shelter Centre 2018, Geneva.
• Hendriks, E. (2018). Post disaster reconstruction in Nepal and the Philippines. Conference Migration in Europe and East Asia, University of Palermo, Italy.
• Howlett, L., Hendriks E. (2018). Presentation field research Nepal. UK Shelter Forum.
• Hendriks, E. (2018) Presentation field research. CRS Nepal.
• Hendriks, E. (2018) Host and presenter Seminar Assessing knowledge. HRRP Nepal.
• Hendriks, E. (2018). Safer self-recovery. Host and presenter International Conference Research into recovery. University of Technology, Eindhoven.
• Hendriks, E., Larraza, M. (2018). International Shelter Cluster, Promoting safer building working group, Expert focus group discussion.
• Hendriks, E. (2018) attendance International Education Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology.
• Hendriks, E., Schep, B., Van Leersum, A. (2018). Exploring the influence of social networks in the adoption of safer construction practices Nepal. International conference of Building Resilience, University of Lisbon.
• Hendriks, E. (2017). Knowledge exchange. UK Shelter Forum, CRS international.
• Hendriks, E. (2017). Measuring and improving the effectivity of knowledge exchange in post-disaster self-recovery. Dangerous landscapes conference, University of Hannover.
• Hendriks, E. (2017). Mind the gap expert talks University of Technology Eindhoven, Dutch Design Week.


Consultancy for humanitarian organisations Medicins Sans Frontieres, International Federation of Red Crescent, Built to Impact, Foundation Vlok, Escualas Unidas (2014-2022), Advisory board, Architecture association AnArchi, Eindhoven (2011), Financial control Hockey club Don Quishoot, Eindhoven (2012-2013).