Our team involves researchers from around the world. Explore their profiles and do not hesitate to reach out!

Head of laboratory

Eefje Hendriks
Disaster scientist and humanitarian technical advisor
I am Assistant Professor of Disaster Resilience and Humanitarian Assistance. I have a track record in the field of disaster risk reduction, disaster resilience, humanitarian assistance, self-recovery, and decision-making. I have studied and worked in humanitarian assistance/aid, post-disaster reconstruction, shelter and settlement, migration in Europe, and adaptation to climate change of the built environment for more than 10 years, especially in hazard prone areas in low-income countries. I lecture on humanitarian engineering, disaster risk reduction, disaster resilience, methodology, and organize in-situ/fieldwork research for students.
At the Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), I currently lead a project called Enabling vulnerable communities to build back safer, financed by a personal VENI grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This project explores decision making during post-disaster reconstruction to find pathways for effective assistance to build back safer housing. I am interested in decision making in complex multi-hazard situations, linked to challenges of climate change. I aim to develop assistance strategies for both governmental and humanitarian actors. I am also interested in digital tools to support safer self-recovery after disasters.
I am a member of the Centre for Disaster Resilience at the University of Twente, and support research proposals and communication. I also serve as a daily board member of Technology for Global Development, at the Eindhoven University of Technology, bridging the gap between science and practice. I actively engage with stakeholders from the Global Shelter Cluster, allowing me to stay close to the experiences and processes taking place in my fields of study. I also serve as an author, guest-editor, and reviewer for leading journals, including Disaster Prevention and Management and Disaster Risk Reduction. I am part of a movement calling for more inclusive disaster studies. I engage in research, monitoring and evaluation and advisory consultancy work. Currently, I support different municipalities and regions in adaptation to climate change for the EU Adaptation Strategy. I regularly present at different conferences, and engage in organizing conferences or conference panels, in collaboration with academic peers.
Before my current position at the University of Twente, I worked as a researcher, project leader with local and international NGOs. As a researcher and practitioner, my work has taken me to multiple complex and disaster-prone places, such as Nicaragua, the Philippines, Nepal, Senegal, and Argentina. I have experience in the development of fieldwork in hostile, complex, and remote areas. In my fieldwork and education, I collaborate with numerous NGOs, including CRS, Cordaid, IFRC, Medicin Sans Frontieres, Habitat for Humanity, Stichting Samenscholen, Bambu Social.I have also been an academic, lecturer and visiting research at several universities, including the University of Sydney and the University of Catalunya.
I hold a PhD degree (2020) on effective communication to reduce housing vulnerability in post-disaster reconstruction from the Technical University Eindhoven. I conducted field research in remote communities in Nepal, the Philippines, using a mixed-method approach, including 1600 household surveys and structural housing assessments, 65 focus group discussions, and 120 key stakeholder interviews. I studied socio-technical pathways to the adoption of hazard-resistant construction knowledge. I received a personal grant for my study from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and several other research prizes. In 2013, I simultaneously completed two MSc degrees in Architecture and Building Technology receiving cum laude honours for both (top 7%).
Dr. ir. Eefje Hendriks
University of Twente
Assistant professor| Disaster Resilience and Humanitarian Assistance
Member | Applied Earth Sciences | Centre for Disaster Resilience | Humanitarian Engineering | Nepal Technical Working Group | Circular Emergency Shelter | Centre of Expertise Veilige en Veerkrachtige Stad en Omgeving | Covenant of Mayors Policy Support Facility
Lecturer | Humanitarian Engineering
ITC Faculty for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Hengelosestraat 99, 7514 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Avans University of Applied Science
Lecturer | System thinking in disaster resilience
Project leader and researcher | New Materials and their Applications | Circular Emergency Shelter
Academy of Sustainable Built Environment | Lectureship New Materials and Applications | Minor Disruptive Events (inter)national Disaster Resilience, Climate Change and Migration
Professor Cobbenhagenlaan 13, 5037 DA Tilburg, The Netherlands
Collaborating scientists
Nathan Clark
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Aaron Opdyke
Sydney University
Joop de Zwart
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Mia Stokmans
University of Tilburg
Nina Schwarz
University of Twente
Laura Kmoch
Georg-August-University of Göttingen
Ricardo Fuentealba
Femke Mulder
Rupesh Shreshta
HRRP and CRS Nepal
Fulvio Lopane
University College London
Maria Pregnolato
Delft University
PhD students
Andrew Powell
Coventry University
Giulia Jole Sechi
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Erika Palmieri
Rome University
Master students
Floris van Engelen
Master student Spatial Engineering
Sry Handini Puteri
Master student Geo-Spatial Engineering
Aditya Pradana Ganda Saputra
Master student Geo-Spatial Engineering
- Benjamin Schep, Master student Eindhoven University of Technology
- Sandra van Ekeren, Bachelor student, Avans University
- Jim de Kort, Bachelor student, Avans University
- Gijs van Duren, Bachelor student, Avans University